Phillip Cummings
Sylvie’s story
Tina Johnson
Christopher Jordon
Woody Lee
John Keyser
John Lindahl
Jacque Devney
Mary Ellen Stanway
James L.Davis
Shreye Dixit
Breanna Remer
Ryan Anderson
Three family members
Julie Davis
Lance Ciaciura
A Hard Lesson Learned
Ron Foreman
Fatal plunge into Lake
Mark Engen
We are losing our future everyday on our highways. Our future leaders, our teens are being killed or injured in a higher ratio than any other age group based on miles driven. Some are causing their own death and injury through unsafe driving behavior and just plain immaturity and inexperience. Others are the innocent victims of another driver’s bad choices or criminal behavior.These are a few stories of teens whose lives ended or were forever changed before they really got a chance to start to reach their potential.
Victims impact panels
The Panel at Hennepin County will be held virtually, on Zoom, as needed. You must have pre-registered and your check or money order must be at our office before the Panel. Call to pre-register and get further information. The cost is still $35.00.
Rescheduling: There will be a $25.00 additional fee for those who do not attend their first registered session. Any cancelation or rescheduling must be done at least 24 hours in advance.
Panels for the hearing impaired or non-English speaking people in Spanish, Hmong or Russian are
available upon request. Call
Sibley/McLeod County Victim Panels— call Susan at 1-320-864-1277 to register and for more
information. Email is [email protected]
Sibley/ McLeod County Panel is at the McLeod County North Complex south entrance -2391 Hennepin Ave N. Glencoe, MN
Dates for panel are April 5, 2021 ; June 21, 2021; Sept. 13, 2021 and December 13, 2021
6:00 to 6:30 registration– doors lock at 6:30pm — $40 fee cash or money order must bring your pre- registration form
About MSD
- About Minnesotans for Safe Driving
- MSD Volunteers
- Spotlight on MSD volunteers
- MSD Board
- MSD Directors Notes
About Minnesotans for Safe Driving
Our Mission Statement –
Minnesotans for Safe Driving’s mission is to assist all victims of traffic crashes and educate the public to the dangers of all unsafe driving behaviors.
Minnesotans for Safe Driving (MSD) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization
Its Prime Objections are as follows:
Victim Services
We are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to help victims of traffic crashes involving unsafe driving behavior.
Advocates attend court proceedings at a victim’s request. We assist victims step by step during court proceedings and after if requested.
Education and Public Awareness
As an organization, we are striving to change behaviors through education.
We offer:
- Speakers for presentations at any interested organization or school
- Death Notification/ sensitivity training free of charge to law enforcement, medical personnel and any group upon request.
- Victim Impact Panels to educate the offenders and the public about the consequences of their behavior. Panelists are victims, offenders, law enforcement and medical personnel.
These speakers do impress upon the offenders the outcome of such irresponsible behavior. - Impactful DVD’s of victims and offenders talking about the crash that changed their lives.
Court Watch
We monitor court cases relating to public safety on Minnesota roadways.
We work to change and improve laws to make our roads safer.
Traffic Safety
Minnesotans For Safe Driving want to change the mindset in Minnesota regarding non-alcohol related crashes caused by speeding, aggressive driving, and inattentive and distracted driving. These
crashes should not be referred to as “ACCIDENTS” they should be considered “CRASHES” that were caused by failure to obey the traffic laws, and follow due care when driving; not an unforeseen
event which is the definition of an accident.
Minnesota has come a long way on reducing the incidence of drunk driving, but the battle is not over until we have reached zero deaths. With the help of technology, advocacy groups, the
government and the public this goal CAN happen.
Minnesotans for Safe Driving volunteers at their booth at the Minnesota TZD Conference
Jon Cummings speaking at a school
“I am only one, but still I am one.
I cannot do everything but still I can do something.
And because I cannot do everything,
I will not refuse to do the something I can do. ” Edward Everett Hale
Spotlight on MSD volunteers
After the sheriff’s chaplain rings at 5 a.m., a family is changed forever
By Sarah T. Williams | 06/25/14 MinnPost article
MinnPost photo by Sarah T. Williams
Jon Cummings, founder of Minnesotans for Safe Driving: “This is a powerful, addictive, mood-altering chemical. [It] causes more misery, more death, more injuries, more treasure than all the
rest of them combined. And it’s the legal one.”
Jon Cummings has delivered the talk about his son Phillip (and the drunk driver who killed him) more than 2,800 times over the past 18 years — for various Minnesota county jurisdictions,
schools, churches, prisons, and driver’s-ed classes.
You’d think his story would by now have become rote or routinized. But even after all these years it reverberates with heartbreaking authenticity. It was no different on Saturday at Eisenhower
Community Center in Hopkins, when Cummings addressed about 50 first-time DWI offenders during a Hennepin County court-ordered daylong seminar on addiction, treatment, alcohol’s effects on the
brain, managing stress and strategies to avoid reoffending.
He doesn’t talk about Phillip right away; that comes at about the halfway point of his hourlong presentation.
Read the rest of the article at
http://www.minnpost.com/ mental-health-addiction/2014/06/ after-sheriffs-chaplain-rings -5-am-family-changed-forever
MSD Board
Minnesotans for Safe Driving
Board Members
Jon Cummings | Founder |
Deanna Carlson | President |
Geri Cummings | Vice President/Secretary |
Sharon Gehrman-Driscoll | Director/Victim Advocate |
Jackie Paine | Treasurer |
Nancy Johnson | Past President & Legislative liaison |
Jon Cummings

Deanna Carlson
Minnesotans for Safe Driving
Never in a million years would I have thought that I would become an advocate for safe driving. That is not until June 8, 2007. My brother was killed in a motorcycle crash.
in which it was determined that he was over the legal limit to be driving after drinking alcohol. That day has changed the way I see things on our roads forever.
I have spent the last 8 years speaking to folks about my brother’s crash and the impact it has had on our family. I feel that it is important to show the other side of tragedy – the side
that is left to pick up the pieces after a loved one has been killed in a preventable crash. Simply put, I do not want another family to have to go through what my family has gone
through. By advocating for safer roads, it gives me an opportunity to speak about making better choices.
Why we started Minnesotans for Safe Driving?
MINNESOTANS FOR SAFE DRIVING was created in honor of our son Phillip who was killed by a drunk driver on May 4, 1994. Phil was a fine young man who died a violent and totally preventable
A short time after his death, we became involved in the drunk driving issue with a national non-profit organization, dedicating our lives in seeking ways to make changes in the law and
attitudes of the driving public. But after a few years, it became very clear to us that drunk driving is not the only cause of the senseless carnage happening on our highways – aggressive and
inattentive drivers are killing more people than drunk drivers.
Unfortunately there’s been little advocacy to help these victims through the courts or to fight for changes in the law at the Legislature. The lives of their sons and daughters, mothers and
fathers were as senselessly taken, as was our son’s life. Therefore in February 2000, Minnesotans For Safe Driving was created to fill that known void and to expand
our mission to serve as advocates for ALL VICTIMS OF TRAFFIC CRASHES, be they the results of drunk driving, speeding, aggressive or inattentive driving.
Our mission is two-fold; to stop the senseless carnage on our highways and to help all victims of all traffic crashes.
Forming Minnesotans For Safe Driving has given many talented people a means to continue their dedication to this mission. We hope that you will support us in this
expanded endeavor.
Jon, Geri & Paul Cummings
MSD Directors Notes
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Sharon and her canine friend “Rudy |
I have spent the last 36 years of my life working on the issue of drunk driving. Initially, I am always asked, “Are you a victim?” My answer is no. The next question is “Why do you do this
then?” I decided this is a good time to answer these questions and also add a few comments.
Back in the 70’s (It seems like only yesterday), I worked in California at the Alameda County Juvenile Court / Detention Facility. A friend, who at the time was a Probation Officer, was hit
and injured seriously by a drunk driver. My friend lost one arm and one leg, which of course changed his life forever. The drunk driver on the other hand was fined $300. That was it. I have
always thought of that as $150 for each limb. Isn’t that horrible.
For years that incident would slip in and out of my mind. After moving to Minnesota there came a time in my life when I had time to volunteer. I worked with a couple charities and one day
decided maybe I could help make a difference regarding the crime of drunk driving. That was almost 30 years ago. Becoming an advocate for victims of drunk driving was definitely my calling.
I wish things would have been different in the 70’s, but I have learned to never look back. I know we have made amazing changes these past 30 years, but I know in my heart there is still a
long way to go. I will never forget the call I received from the mother of a repeat drunk driving offender. She told me she had no other place to turn and wanted to get some advice for her son
regarding turning himself into the authorities. She believed if her son turned himself in he would be “nailed”. That the system would not listen to what he is doing with his life now. That was
the call, which made me understand the life of an alcoholic a bit more and the love of family members. I have been blessed. I now feel I understand some of the frustrations of the victim, but
also the need for an offender to have someone believe in them. I feel like I have received a Masters Degree on the topic of drunk driving. It’s an education I have received from others,
sometimes horrifying, sometimes sad, and always informative.
I am the lucky one; my family has never been through the pains of having a family member hit or killed by a drunk driver. As a mom, wife and citizen I feel it is not only my job, but
everyone’s obligation to use our highways responsibly. It is our duty to do all we can to make this a safer world for our children and grandchildren. Now with Minnesotans For Safe Driving I
have the ability to pursue my calling and assist victims – ALL victims of traffic crashes.
I would like to thank the founders of Minnesotans For Safe Driving, Jon and Geri Cummings for giving these victims a place to turn for assistance. I am proud of all that we have accomplished
over the last three years. It still amazes me that in such a short time we have achieved so much. We will never give up the fight against drunk driving, but society has changed and we are
embroiled in a war on our roadways. There are too many victims of not only drunk driving, but also speeding, road rage, and other irresponsible driving behavior. These victims now have some
place to ask for help. This could not have happened without all of our generous volunteers and donators. So a special thank you to all of you.
A majority of the funds raised, we are proud to say, have been spent on community services and projects. In fact, 80% goes back into the community for education of offenders and the public,
special projects and victims’ assistance. This is remarkable. This is ONLY possible because of our dedicated volunteers and our wonderful supporters. A Big Thank You to everyone!
Crash car program
Minnesotans For Safe Driving has a crash car program designed to enlighten the public. Displaying an actual crash car has proven very effective when used as an added visual to a driving
awareness program.
It shows your students, employees, customers, or organization a firsthand visual caused by irresponsible driving behavior which may be the result of impaired, distracted, aggressive or speed.
Cars are available for Schools, Drivers training, Fire and Police demonstrations, Malls, Corporations, Community Events and Parades when appropriate.
There is a reasonable charge for transporting crash cars to your site that varies based on the destination and qualified carrier. The preferred method for invoicing is by means of a fax or
scanned transmission.
Cars will be placed on the site requested. Be sure to choose a location that will provide the greatest visual attraction. Cars have posters and storyboards to display scenes from a life and
Whenever possible identify to us your planned agenda for the car display and if time and availability permits, volunteers may be available to speak.
To request a crash car for your event please contact our office at
Click here for the story behind this car.
Legislative issues
2022 Legislative Session
There were not many bills introduced that dealt with traffic safety. There were many bills that dealt with crime, law enforcement and prosecution. The following are the traffic safety bills that have been introduced.
HF3543/SF2147 – Rep. Koegel/Sen Koran, authors – People who were convicted of DUI (drugged driving) would be required to have random urine tests instead of alcohol monitoring if the court sentence was not jail for the length of their stayed sentence.
HF3543/SF2854 Rep. Koegel/Sen. Senjem authors – a pilot program to test the accuracy of a roadside “spit” test against the blood test on drivers arrested for DUI. This bill will also clarify out of state search warrants to get blood or urine tests when the closest facility is in a border state.
HF3406/SF3150 Rep. Novotny/Sen. Johnson authors – pre-trial electronic monitoring for all arrested except if the driver pays $12,000 bail.
Training offered by msd
State of Minnesota Traffic Safety and Victim Websites
Department of Public Safety Office of Traffic Safety
Minnesota State Patrol
Towards Zero Deaths in Minnesota
A partnership of the Dept. of Public Safety, Department of Transportation & the Dept. of Health to work together to reduce deaths and injuries on Minnesota highways
Center for Transportation Studies at the U of Minnesota
A catalyst for transportation innovation through research, education, and outreach
Minnesota Department of Transportation Traffic Engineering
Drivers License records
Office of Justice Programs Reparations Board
Financial Aid for Victims of crime
https://dps.mn.gov/divisions/ojp/ help-for-crime-victims/Pages/ crime-victims-reparations.aspx
Office of Justice Programs
Helps to achieve just, fair &equitable treatment for crime victims
Minnesota Legislature Websites
Minnesota Legislature
Find Your Legislator
Traffic Regulations Laws
Drunk & Drugged Driving Laws
Sentencing Guidelines Commission of Minnesota
This site labels all the felony crimes in Mn and ranks them and sets the guidelines for sentencing
National Traffic Safety Government WebsitesNational Highway Traffic Safety Association
US Government website for Distractive Driving
National Transportation Safety Board
National Traffic Safety OrganizationsThe National Center Rural Safety Center
National Safety Council
Governor’s Highway Safety Association
Insurance Institute for Highway Safety
We Save Lives
A group representing public & private sectors concerned With drunk, drugged & distracted driving
www.wesavelives.orgTraffic Safety Network of Employees for Traffic Safety
Advocates for Highway & Auto Safety
Advocates for Cell-Free Driving
A DWI Awareness Group
www.who.int/roadsafety/decade_of_action/en/index.htmlTraffic Safety Coalition
Specializing in Photo Enforcement
www.trafficsafetycoalition.comAAA Foundation
AAA Exchange
Traffic safety information
Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility
Teen driving websitesAAA Teen Driving
Articles and Infographics on Teens and Driving
Research and Misc. Websites
Information & Answers for people fighting AddictionDriver Alcohol Detection System for Safety
Research for more widespread use of in-vehicle technology to stop all impaired driving
Minnesota organizations that are about Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety
Minnesota Safety Council
Minnesota DWI Task Force
http://www.dwitaskforce.comMinnesota County Attorney’s Association
Safe Communities of Wright County
Parents of Murdered Children
Minnesota Alliance on Crime
Seeks to provide a unified voice for victims of crime and their advocates
Compassionate Friends
Grief support after the death of a child
American Bikers Awareness
American Bikers for Awareness, Training and Education of Minnesota (ABATE)
The Bicycle Alliance of Minnesota
Minnesota Operation Lifesaver
Dedicated to ending, deaths and injuries at
highway- rail crossings and on railroad property.
Drug and Alcohol Treatment information
http://drugabuse.com/usa/drug-abuse/minnesota/National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services
Center for Substance Abuse Prevention
For Parents to learn more about Drugs and Teens
Distracted Driving organizations in Minnesota
Wright county safe communities
Distracted driving groups outside of Minnesota
http://www.sajd.org/ stay alive, just driveGovernors Highway Safety Association
Global Websites on Traffic Safety
Global Road Safety Partnership
http://www.grsproadsafety.org/Cycling: THINK!: Road safety in the UK
http://think.direct.gov.uk/cycling.htmlSafety Tips | Safe Kids Worldwide
http://www.safekids.org/walkingsafelytipsA white paper on teaching novice drivers in Europe