The paragraph below is the beginning of the executive summary from a study done by TIRF about Women and DWI. To read the full report click hereMSD thanks them for allowing us to us their infographics
While males constitute a significant portion of the impaired driving problem, there is evidence of a growing number of DWI arrests among females, and incremental increases among female drivers testing positive for alcohol in fatal crashes in some jurisdictions in the U.S. This suggests that women are an important part of the problem and warrant attention. Although an examination of female self report data on drinking and driving shows it has remained stable at 10-20%, and crash data from the Fatality
Analysis Reporting System (FARS) reveals incremental changes in drinking and driving among females in the past three decades (12% in the 1980s to 14% in the 2000s), there has been a dramatic increase in the number of women arrested for drunk driving in just the past decade. To illustrate, the number of female DWI arrests has risen nationally by 28.8% between 1998 and 2007.