Guide for Survivors

Minnesotans for Safe Driving with the permission and assistance from the Minnesota State Patrol will be making available to all law enforcement agencies across the state copies of A Guide for Grieving Families, Information for Survivors of Fatal Traffic Crash Victims that was developed by the Patrol for their troopers to give to the families they are notifying about the death of their loved ones in traffic crashes. MSD has rewritten this Guide in a generic form so that any law enforcement agency can personalize it and make it available to the families they are notifying of a fatal crash.

A death notification is so traumatic that the family doesn’t remember much of the information given at the time and is at a loss to know what to do, who to call, and many other question that come up the next day or week. This booklet addresses many of those questions and gives information about the grieving process, rights of survivors, resource information, and a section on “what do I do now”.

Minnesotans for Safe Driving’s number one mission is advocating for crash victims and the families of those whose loved ones have died in traffic crashes. This booklet is a must for all families who received that knock on the door to notify them of their worst nightmare. This is why we so wanted to have these booklets available for all families across the state who are experiencing this terrible loss. This booklet was made possible by a grant from the Minnesota Department of Public Safety, Office of Justice Programs, and Crime Victims Services.

Any family of a traffic crash victim can request this booklet by calling our office.
email: [email protected]

P.O. Box 187 Wayzata, MN 55391
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